Generali SpA


    Miroslav Singer to join Generali Group

    New Director for Institutional Affairs and Chief Economist of Generali CEE Holding

    Prague - Miroslav Singer (48), former Governor of Czech National Bank (CNB), has been appointed as Director for Institutional Affairs and Chief Economist of Generali CEE Holding with effect from 16 January 2017. He will also join the Supervisory Board of Česká pojišťovna – a Generali Group company – to become its chairman.

    Singer served as Governor of the CNB from 2010 till 2016 and from 2005-2010, he was a CNB Board Member and Vice Governor. Prior to this, he worked as a deputy director, researcher and lecturer at the Economic Institute of the Charles University in Prague and the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education of the Czech Academy of Science between 1991 and 1995. He also held management posts at the financial and industrial group Expandia, later becoming its CEO in 1995, until 2001. From 2001 until 2005 Miroslav Singer was a director at PricewaterhouseCoopers. During 1995/1996 he was a member of the Supervisory Board and later of the Board of Directors at Czech market leader Česká pojišťovna. Among other prestigous appraisals he was awarded “Central Banker of the Year in Europe” for 2014 by The Banker one of the leading monthly financial publications.

    After graduating in mathematical methods in economics, he completed his postgraduate thesis at the University of Pittsburgh and was awarded a PhD in 1995.

    The Generali CEE Regional Officer and CEO of Generali CEE Holding Luciano Cirinà said: “I am delighted to welcome Miroslav Singer in our Group. Our team grows even stronger with the addition of such a highly respected and experienced individual as Miroslav who has established such an excellent international reputation. With so many regulatory changes coming in the near future there is a clear need to further strengthen our dialogue with legislators and regulators. I am convinced that he will be a great asset for our Group and will support us in this effort and also in helping Generali pursue profitable growth in Central and Eastern Europe in line with our goal of market leadership through excellence and outstanding customer experience.”